The Project
As a result of the Asset Health Survey Programme carried out by Northern Gas Networks under the RIIO price control period, it was identified that the existing plant and equipment at Brenda Road site was obsolete, approaching end of service life and in need of replacement including the installation of a new electric pre-heat system.
The project comprised installation of new Inlet Filters, new Electric Heat Exchangers, new 19 to 2bar regulators, new standby generator, new 3 phase power supply and installation of new E&I building to bring the site in line with current Northern Gas Networks standards and compliant with British and European legislation.
The complete site rebuild works were carried out during a shutdown period with key milestone dates to ensure the site was fully operational prior to the winter period.
Appointed as subcontractor to Darke Engineering, key deliverables were achieved to the satisfaction of the end user (Northern Gas Networks) within the programme key date deadlines.
E&I Kiosk Build
A new E&I kiosk was fitted out and pre-wired within the workshop of our Sunderland premises. The kiosk comprised all new site switchgear and distribution, lighting and small power, new 1:1 Isolation Transformer, Free issue Generator Auto Changeover Panel and Bypass Panels, Free Issue ExHeat Heater Control Panels.
In addition, new lighting control panel and RTU control panels were manufactured within the workshop and installed within the E&I kiosk prior to shipment to site.
The site electrical installation included the installation of new site lighting, final circuit cabling to new Electric Heaters, incoming generator supply cabling and sub-main cabling from the E&I kiosk to the containerised Generator Set lighting and small power distribution board.
The site instrumentation upgrade involved full decommissioning and demolition of the existing installation. Installation and commissioning of all new remote telemetered and site instrumentation monitoring and control equipment comprising new inlet and outlet and filter differential pressure monitoring equipment, ultrasonic flow meter, inline electric heater monitoring and control equipment, generator alarms, pneumatic actuated slam shut alarms and site intruder alarm system. The installation consisted of safe area, Exd and intrinsically safe instrumentation connected to a Pepperl & Fuchs LB barrier system and propriety PLC telemetry unit.
DSEAR Inspection
All ATEX certified equipment supplied and installed under the contract scope was subject to detailed inspection in accordance with DSEAR Regulations BS EN 60079-17.
SONAE were responsible for supplying both the NRO documentation and competent persons to control and execute the changeover in line with the networks SCO 5 requirements.
Provision of SCO 4&5 competent persons to carry out the end to end checks and wet commissioning of the complete E&I installation under a controlled NRO procedure.
Test Records and red-line marked as-built drawings were produced and submitted at key stages as identified by Northern Gas Networks for pre-commissioning purposes in accordance with management procedure NGN/PM/RE/18.
Databook records were compiled in accordance with MPTF-001 Databook Framework document.
All final handover records were submitted to the Northern Gas Networks in both electronic format via A-site media document control system and hard copy format.
Health & Safety
Sonae (UK) carried out the works as sub-contractor to Darke Engineering (MWC). All works co-ordinated with site management and Northern Gas Networks operations personnel on a daily basis.
All works were carried out under a controlled PTW in accordance with Northern Gas Networks SCO (Safe Control of Operations) management procedures.